Conscious Disposal
Conscious Disposal

Conscious Disposal: We count on you, and you count on us.
Our ambition is to contribute to a healthier society, and practicing conscious disposal of medications and their packaging is one of the important initiatives that help us achieve this goal. By 2030, we aim to collect a total of 3,000 tons of pharmaceutical waste, equivalent to over 1,3 billion liters of water that will no longer be polluted.
In 2011, RD Saúde became the first pharmaceutical retail company to implement a program for the disposal of expired or unused medications.
For this, we count on you: bring your expired or unused medications, along with their leaflets and packaging, to any of our over 3,000 pharmacies across Brazil.
In 2023
127.350 million
liters of water were prevented from being polluted.
283 tons
of expired or unused medications were disposed of, equivalent to 9.4 football fields.
99 tons
of packaging and leaflets were disposed of, equivalent to 2.4 football fields.
It Makes Sense to Dispose Properly
Check your home for expired or unused medications, as well as empty packaging, and bring them to the nearest pharmacy. Remember not to dispose of medications in regular trash, sinks, or toilets.
Together, we prevent water and soil from being polluted with packaging and chemicals, preserving the environment.
See below what you can and cannot dispose of:
Can Be Disposed Of:
- Tablets, coated pills, capsules, powders, and other solid medications.
- Suspensions, solutions, liquid medications, ointments, creams, and other pastes.
- Medication leaflets and packaging.
Medications should preferably be disposed of in their original packaging.
Cannot Be Disposed Of:
- Syringes, needles, and sharp objects such as broken bottles.
These materials should be taken to the nearest Basic Health Unit (UBS) for proper disposal.
This entire reverse logistics process is regulated by Federal Decree No. 10.388, dated June 5, 2020, which establishes the guidelines and responsibilities for manufacturers and marketers of medications.
Follow the Step-by-Step Guide for Proper Disposal
Separate the Medications
Check and separate expired or unused medications.
Take Them to a Pharmacy
On your next visit, bring the medications to any Raia or Drogasil pharmacy.
Follow the Instructions at the Pharmacies
Read the instructions on the pharmacy collector and deposit the medications and packaging in the indicated places.
All Set
The medications have been disposed of correctly, and you have helped prevent soil and water pollution.